Monday, December 3, 2007

Zach The Seer

Funny things children say in their innocence are said at time to be true. Zach, yesterday evening, was asked yet again by John, if mommy was having a baby girl or a baby boy. He said a girl. Is she having a baby boy or a baby girl? Notice the order they are asked in, but once again he said a girl. He frequently asks when his sister will be here so he can play with her, throughout he has been quite consistent that we are having a girl. Well along with all the girl answers he also said that mommy will have a girl first then a boy. No, I am not having twins, but our interpretation of said news, was that this baby will be a girl and the next baby will be a boy. Mind you all of this is coming from the innocence of a 3 1/2 yr old, which I believe the veil is still thin for. I guess the only sure way to know is to test it out. Our ultrasound is next Monday, and because of Zach's little prophecies I am quite anxious to know if he's right. I sure hope he is :)

1 comment:

bnsnyder said...

Yes I am able to view your blog! Here I am. Let us know what the results are. We are excited to know what you are having! Love you